coral reef insitu observation network

Assessing Real-Time Reef Health

Welcome to CReON

About CReON

“Coral Reef in situ Observation Network (CReON)”. The CReON Program undertakes advanced research on long term coral reef health monitoring, calcification rates and ocean acidification, based on deployment of Data Buoy and Automated Weather Stations at various Coral Reef sites along the Indian Coast including Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands.

CReON’s vision is to establish a national level high quality in situ coral reef observation, by integrating real time data for ecological health assessment across the coral reef monitoring stations.

Overview of CReON

  • Real-time measurement of physicochemical variables
  • Real-time measurement of atmospheric and oceanic variables
  • Long term recording of temperature & light on reef ecosystem
  • Impact of sedimentation on coral health
  • Recruitment pattern of coral spats using settlement tripod

CReON Sites


  • Provide appropriate intervention to help coastal management.
  • Collection of long term time series data using real time monitoring system.
    • Water quality
    • Metrological data
    • Waves, tides, current etc.
    • Generation of a long term database for coral reef monitoring
  • Observation of coral bleaching events caused due to natural (El-Niño type events) or anthropogenic (land-based inputs) activities
  • Develop science-based management plan for the conservation and protection of coral reef ecosystems based on long-term observations
  • Development of online web portal for “CReON”.
  • Deployment of settlement tripod (for recruitment rate) and sediment traps (for sedimentation rate estimation)
  • Assessing coral reef ecosystem health in connection with changes in biological and physical indicators to develop i) Coral Health Index (CHI) and ii) health of associated flora and fauna that influence coral health, by developing Sea Life Index (SLI)
  • Assessment of microbial communities associated with corals (Beneficial microbial flora and pathogens) – to understand the association of microbial communities with coral health, bleaching and recovery


Our Work

  • gallery 1
  • Coral Reef Health Index

    Coral Reef Health Assessment

  • gallery 1

    Sediment transport rate and its impact on coral reef health – Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar

  • gallery 2

    Impact of Seasonal Circulation on Coral Recruitment at Olaikudah, Palkay and Kurusadai Island

  • gallery 4
  • Coral Holobiont

    The foundation of reef ecosystems is the coral holobiont
